Victory Is Mine!

Got my second Enbridge bill last night. $240.74. With the equal billing my credit after paying would be: $210.41. Gah. Morons. So I called this morning and this time actually talked to someone moderately useful. He lowered my equal billing gas charge from $210 a month...

Afghan Mission Must Change?!?!?

I don’t get it. Stephane Dion the current liberal leader says the mission must change. I don’t get it. I really don’t. I know the optics of war are bad, but this whole movement from a combat role to a rebuilding role makes next to no sense. No in...

Another Blow To HD DVD

As if Blu-Ray didn’t need any more momentum Netflix has dropped HD DVD and thrown their support behind Blu-Ray. As an owner of a Blu-Ray player this is very sweet music to my ears. Do I believe that there is any chance of HD DVD making a comeback? Nope... vs.

So for a second I am going to forget that has a gamut of great products at very competitive prices, products that dotCa just doesn’t carry. For the moment I am going to focus on the fact that the identical items are frequently at very different...

More Utility Estimate Joy

The city of Ottawa is a lot like Enbridge gas. They both like to rip me off. Like Enbridge the city sent me a bill for water and sewer that was completely estimated. Now not as bad as Enbridge, the city only doubled it. I called them, and they were very apologetic and...