Things Have Changed.

I can’t believe the current predicament. I am angry with myself. I am angry with myself, and I’m in pain because I just stabbed myself in the hand. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am considering buying an Apple PC. Ok I said that before....

Movember Mupdate

It hasn’t quite been a week and my bushy beast isn’t as bushy as I would hope, but it is coming in! Just give it time! Don’t forget to donate:

Happy Halloween: DISASTER!

So I signed up for Movember. That prostate cancer fund raising… Mustache Rides For Dad thingy. So I have to grow a mustache! SWEEEEET! BUT: There is catch! They state very specifically that you have to: Start With A Clean Shave Gah? Shave my beard? My safety...

Magic Dog Door Spawns New Idea!

Plexidoor just anounced a new sliding dog door. It works with an RFID chip (like a ton of dogs have now), when the dog gets close the door slides open. Doesn’t work for other dogs…. Hmm brilliant? Personally I don’t like the idea of a dog going...