How Do You Hide An Aeroplane Factory?

Got an email with a very cool history lesson. During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers needed to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant to protect it from a Japanese air attack. They covered it with camouflage netting and made it look like a rural subdivision...

For Individual Honour

Leave the glory to someone else. Let the honour fall on whoever goes out and gets it. There is nothing that angers a coach more than a lazy athlete. An athlete that puts in a poor effort during training looks poorly on  their self and their coach. For a while I have...

Best Buy Removed From “The List”

I have had an on-going battle with Canadian retailers. For months I have been arguing with Pier1 about a mirror that we wanted that was selling for $200 US and $280 CDN. They gave some stupid reasons in that it costs more to ship stuff from Texas. I asked them what...

Confirming Colours

Yesterday we got an email from Shanna at Richcraft (she was/is our designer) asking for a clarification of the colour of our back splash tiles. There were 3 tile colours on the sample that we choose and she wrote down the model but not the colour. She took the time...

Where Google Falls Down…

Google rules. They release a seemingly endless array of cool products and a seemingly constant pace. Everytime they turn around they are releasing some product that I use almost daily.  Yet there is one product that I use daily that isn’t perfect, or even...