Non-Review: New Apple iMacs

The 21.5″ iMac falls into the same category as all the other old iMacs; cute but stupid. Now the 27″ iMac… that is a completely different beast! Apple got the 27″ incredibly right on this release by adding a feature that no one is talking about...

Brake Lights Need A New Design

I read tons of stuff outlining new and innovative designs. I should be writing about one of those ideas, but being that I would much rather complain than gush, I will explain why brake light design sucks. Yesterday I was driving home from southern Ontario, and as...

So Pissed At IE!

Why the hell does Internet Explorer never fucking work? Ever! Gah. Honestly, I am thinking of blocking IE from viewing this site! Opinions?

You Might Be A Donkey Nut If…

So today I lost my mind on Internet Explorer so I thought I would start my first ever list of… YOU MIGHT BE A DONKEY NUT IF! You might be a donkey nut if… You regularly use Internet Explorer! There are many MANY far superior browsers… There really is...