Ignores Their Own Policies

Two weeks ago I saw a great deal on the new Batman video game at BestBuy. I thought, oh well, what the hell I will give it a shot, I am a big Batman fan and it is supposed to be pretty cool. Regular price was $69.99 and the special pre-order price was $38. So I...

Sink Problem Update

Got the new drain assembly, looks like it should have flowed a lot worse than the standard grid drain. Worked like a charm. I was able to sleep last night!

That Sinking Feeling – Plumbing Nightmare?

I have been busting myself recently trying to get my basement reno finished. It is getting very much into the home stretch. Last night was not a good night for work. I am currently working on about 4 hours of sleep due to a very strange problem. I was attempting to...

Brake Lights Need A New Design

I read tons of stuff outlining new and innovative designs. I should be writing about one of those ideas, but being that I would much rather complain than gush, I will explain why brake light design sucks. Yesterday I was driving home from southern Ontario, and as...