Google Calendar Utopia

The requests have been made. And now I respond, this is how my Google Calendar utopia has emerged. My search for a ubiquitous solution emerged when I got an iPhone and realized that Google Calendar had next to no support. Mobile Me had its own very cool push calendar,...

A Rocky Start

So previously I bantered back and forth on the idea of ordering a MacBook Pro. Well last Monday I pulled the trigger and ordered it. How is it? How the hell should I know? Where is it? Again, how the hell should I know? ÜPS (pronounced OOOOoops) has been doing their...

Things Have Changed.

I can’t believe the current predicament. I am angry with myself. I am angry with myself, and I’m in pain because I just stabbed myself in the hand. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am considering buying an Apple PC. Ok I said that before....

Movember Mupdate

It hasn’t quite been a week and my bushy beast isn’t as bushy as I would hope, but it is coming in! Just give it time! Don’t forget to donate: