Move was completed yesterday. We hired movers, we’re still tired. Go figure.


Canada Post doesn’t deliver mail in our new area. We are hardly in a rural setting -its a damn townhouse! Why do crown corporations always strive for the worst possible service?


The dishwasher still works.


I have been looking at all these GPS phone systems, stand-alone systems. They seem cool, but you start to realize that there is still a huge segment missing. I don’t want to know how to get to address X. I want to know why I want to go to address X. I want a list of restaurants… nigh I want a list of washrooms, and I want those washrooms ratable, and I want to be able to see others’ ratings, and I want to be able to filter by those ratings. Yeah. That is want I want, give me all 4star+ crappers… sorry crappiers.


Anyone else confused how Hollywood hasn’t capitalized on the 2 girls 1 cup fame? -Two Old Men One Country? Harry Potter: 2 Girls 1 Goblet of Fire? 2 Girls 1 Tin Cup? I mean its just endless…